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Searching for Employer Websites

Find the company, find the job.....

The EASIEST way for companies to advertise positions is on their own website. It costs nothing, requires little time and the company can add postings instantly.

Searching for a Company by Name

Sometimes this is a snap and sometimes it's a pain in the keyboard.

Electra's Quick & Dirty Company Name Searching:

1. Search Yahoo! for the exact company name (make sure you use the quotation marks to get an exact match.)

"National Warehousing Associates"
"J. K. Wilson Bookbinder"

[Yahoo! is my first choice because a company generally only has one or two listings there, so there is less to sort through.]

2. Search Google for the exact company name (make sure you use the quotation marks to get an exact match.) "National Warehousing Associates" "J. K. Wilson Bookbinder" [Google is as comprehensive as it gets. But if the site is new, Google may not have added it yet to the database. Also you can't limit the search to a concept like "company name." So if the company name might occur in another context, like "Information Technology," it could take you hours to sort through all the possibilities.]

3. Make up the website name the company might have chosen:

If the company is "Hewlett Packard," try "" [This doesn't work too often, but it only takes a second to try.]

OK, I'm Stumped:

If Electra still can't find a company website, there are three possibilities:

1. The company doesn't have a website (yet.)
2. The company name used in the searches is incorrect in some way.
3. It's hiding.

Rather than give up, call the company (!) and ask for the address of their website. For larger companies, the public relations department is the best place to inquire.

Start collecting website addresses for interesting employers from newspapers, trade publications and "unsolicited" mail. Make your own custom list and stay on top of it.

If you need help finding a company on the Web, write to and I'll help you find what you need.