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JobStar now links to over 300 online salary surveys. If your occupation is not listed here try these sites:
ACCOUNTINGADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORTAverage Administrative SalariesAdministrative Professional Skills Benchmarking Survey Job titles, key responsibilities, average salaries, job satisfaction from the International Association of Administration Professionals.
California Wage Estimates - Office & Administrative Support Occupations
Office and Administrative Support Positions
ADVERTISINGAGRICULTUREAgriculture Wage & Benefit SurveySummary of Farm Employers Labor Service California annual survey.
California Farm Workers: Employment and Earnings SF LA Sac SD
AgriCareers Salary Survey
Wine Business Monthly Salary Survey
AIRLINESAviation Career Salary RangesFrom Airline Employment Assistance Corps: broad salary ranges for a variety of positions in aircraft, airlines, airports, flight attendants, food preparation, office, pilots.
Aviation Maintenance Salary Survey
Aircraft Maintenance Salary Survey
IAM Facts & Figures
AUTOMOTIVEUnderhood Service Repair Market Industry ProfileAutomotive service dealer workforce and earnings data for managers and technicians.
BodyShop Personnel Profile
Brake & Front-End Salary Survey
Survey for California Architectural Firms
Growth in Architect Compensation
Landscape Architects Graduating Students Salary
Salary Base
COMPUTER FIELDSCONSULTING / CONTRACTINGHow Much Should You Charge for Your Service?How to compute hourly rates for independent contracting services from Nolo Press' Nolo News.
EDUCATIONENGINEERINGENVIRONMENTALEnvironmental Protection - Salary SurveysEnvironmental Protection Online offers annual salary surveys for environmental professionals in compliance, engineeering, and health/safety.
Professional Scientist Salary Survey
Environmental Scientist Salary Survey Results
EXECUTIVESSilicon Valley Executive Compensation Report SFSan Jose Mercury News feature ranks executive pay & other compensation at the top 150 public companies headquartered in Silicon Valley.
Executive Pay
CEO Compensation
CRN Executive Salary Survey
FINANCEFOOD PROCESSINGSalary & Job Satisfaction SurveyFood Engineering's survey of food manufacturing professionals: management, supervisors, technical, sales.
FOOD SERVICESan Francisco Restaurant Employee Compensation Survey SFGolden Gate Restaurant Association survey of San Francisco city bars and restaurants (in .pdf format.)
Dietary Manager Salary Survey
Food & Beverage Service Occupations GOVERNMENTGEOLOGYExplorer Salary SurveyAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists survey of geologist compensation.
GRAPHIC ARTIn-plant Salary SurveyIn-plant Graphics biennial survey of in-house reproduction departments operated within an organization, company, government office or university.
AIGA Salary CalculatorSF LA
Wage Minimums and Survey LA
HEALTHCAREHOSPITALITYTop 10 Jobs in HospitalityCareerbuilder.com listing of 10 jobs with average salaries.
San Francisco Restaurant Employee Compensation Survey
HUMAN RESOURCESHuman Resources, Training, and Labor Relations Managers and SpecialistsDept. of Labor reports on earnings for workers in this setting.
INSURANCEActuary Salary SurveysD.W. Simpson & Co. reports on salaries for actuaries in Property/Casualty and Life/Health.
LAW ENFORCEMENTBJS State & Local Law Enforcement StatisticsBureau of Justice Statistics conducts surveys of police, sheriffs' departments, law enforcement management, federal law enforcement offices nationwide. The individual reports cover starting salaries, special pay and educational & training requirements (in .pdf format.)
Law Enforcement Officer Locality Pay Tables SF LA Sac SD
Police and Detectives - Earnings
Microsoft WORD Document: California Association of Criminalists - Salary Survey
LEGAL & PARALEGALSalaries & CompensationSalary information spotlight from lawjobs.com.
Salaries & Compensation
Law Firms in Transition
Lists & Rankings
Infirmation - Law Firm Salaries
Survey on Paralegal Compensation in Law Firms and Law Departments Law Teacher Salary Surveys
Legal Assistants Utilization and Compensation Survey Report
LIBRARIESSpecial Library Association Salary SurveySummary data from SLA survey of special librarians & information personnel.
ARL Salary Survey
Placements & Salaries
MANAGEMENTShould You Get an M.B.A?A Business School Calculator from Forbes: select the school, tuition, your current & expected salaries and calculate ROI.
Haas School of Business - Placement Reports SF
Marshall Recruiter Handbook - Undergraduate Business Program LA MANUFACTURINGLogistics Management Salary SurveyAnnual survey for supply-chain professionals from Logistics Management.
Plant Maintenance Salary Surveys
Sales & Engineering Salary Survey
Plant Engineering Salary Survey
MARKETING & SALESMATHEMATICSAnnual AMS-IMS-MAA SurveyAmerican Mathematical Society annual survey of new doctoral recipient salaries as well as faculty at 4-year colleges & universities.
Salary Survey of Academic Statisticians MEDIAMEETING PLANNERSMeeting Professional Salary SurveyMeeting Professionals International report of annual salary survey.
Meetings - State of the Industry
Convention Management - Compensation Surveys
Show Management Salaries
MININGMining Wages and BenefitsSummary of the Annual Mining Cost Service US Mine Labor Survey from Western Mine Engineering.
NONPROFITCareers in Associations - SalariesSummary of data from Association Executive Compensation Survey.
Salary Survey Highlights
Nonprofits Salary Survey
PACKAGINGPharmaceuticals and Medical Packaging News Salary SurveyCompensation survey for packaging professionals in the healthcare product manufacturing industry.
PERFORMING ARTSAFTRA Contract RatesAmerican Federation of Television and Radio Artists contract rates for entertainment, commercials, nonbroadcast, interactive and sound recordings.
Actors, Directors & Producers - Earnings PETROLEUMGeological Salary SurveyAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists annual salary survey.
PRINTINGIn-plant Salary SurveyIn-plant Graphics biennial survey of in-house reproduction departments operated within an organization, company, government office or university. PSYCHOLOGYSalaries in PsychologyReport from the American Psychological Association covers a wide range of settings for Master's and Doctoral level psychologists.
Faculty Salaries in Graduate Departments of Psychology
QUALITY CONTROLQuality Control Salary SurveyQuality Digest survey of salaries for various titles in quality control settings and with various certifications.
REAL ESTATEReal Estate Agents & Brokers - EarningsMedian annual earnings of agents and brokers nationwide from the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Accredited Residential Manager Salaries SF LA Sac SD
RETAILEarnings - Retail SalespersonsMedian hourly earnings of retail salespersons including commissions from the U.S. Dept. of Labor.
Clothing, Accessory, and General Merchandise Stores SCIENCE & BIOTECHSECURITYASIS International Employment SurveySecurity manager compensation from the American Society for Industrial Security.
SERVICE TECHNICIANSPhotocopy Technician, Manager and Sales SalariesSurveys of field service technicians, managers and sales personnel from CopierCareers.com.
SOCIAL WORKSocial Work CompensationNational Association of Social Workers salary survey.
Social Worker Earnings TECHNICAL WRITERSSan Diego Chapter - STC - Salary Survey SDSummary of Society of Technical Communicators survey (in .pdf format.)
TELECOMMUNICATIONSTelecommunications - Industry EarningsFrom the Dept. of Labor: median hourly earnings of the largest occupations in telecommunications.
TRADESPrevailing Wages SF LA Sac SDCalifornia Dept. of Industrial Relations prevailing wage determinations for journeyman & apprentice trades (commercial building, highway, heavy construction & dredging projects) for the state, by region or for counties.
TRAVEL AGENTSTravel Agents -EarningsBrief information from the Occupational Outlook Handbook on salaried and self-employed agent earnings.
WAREHOUSINGWarehousing Salaries and WagesA summary of a report from the Warehousing Education and Research Council published in Operations & Fulfillment magazine.